digital installation, meant to be projected and experienced in a large space.
This piece seeks to construct a personal exploration of existentialist concepts, constructing an orchestral composition of sorts with different elements.
The imagery is composed of layers, with the most prominent being microscope slides of various specimen on an accelerando cycle. On top of it, are the curves and waves that the program detects and and translates from the colors of the slides. There is also a layer that depicts crowds of people at an intersection, creating visual rhythm and repetition through both their migration and the cross walk. Under these images, there are subtle visual contractions and pulsations created by organs and muscle cells. These layers provide a metaphor for biological systems as they adhere to the biological levels of organization, but blurring the distinctions between macro and micro and the hierarchies of being.
The audio for this piece comes from the recorded sounds of stars and galaxies, distorted and manipulated, paired with crystals and singing bowls, as well as a reading of T.S. Elliot’s “Waste Land”.
The visual and audio elements of this work routinely phase through coexisting, contrasting, and complimenting.